
5 Food & Drink Habits That Legitimize Your Texan-ness

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Tony Maples Photography


Yes, Texas has foods from around the world (most of which can be bought in a four block radius in Houston alone). Yes, we take Tex-Mex quite seriously. And yes, we sputter when someone says they don’t want sweet tea. These are just some of the food/drink quirks about us that we’ve come to accept as a norm, not to mention a blessing! But here are five food and drink habits that clearly prove your level of Texan-ness – because if you’ve said “Huh?” to any of these, you’re not even on the scale!

1. You Have a Strict Definition of What Queso Is.

5 Food & Drink Habits That Legitimize Your Texan-ness

Photo: Pinterest/Away From The Box

No one makes it like they do in Texas!

2. Dr. Pepper on Tap

5 Food & Drink Habits That Legitimize Your Texan-ness

Photo: Flickr/Mike Mozart

Pull up a stool.

3. Kolaches: It’s a Texas Thing!

5 Food & Drink Habits That Legitimize Your Texan-ness

Photo: Pinterest/Kelly Owens-Brady

Yummy, tasty, mmm-mm good!

4. Barbecue

5 Food & Drink Habits That Legitimize Your Texan-ness

Photo: Flickr/David Hale Smith

Well duh!

5. Shiner Bock Beer

5 Food & Drink Habits That Legitimize Your Texan-ness

Photo: Flickr/@joefoodie

Need we say more?