One Astros Fan Spent a Bundle on Attending Every World Series Game
“At the end of it, I kind of pinched myself and asked, ‘What the hell did you just do?’ I was like ‘All right, here it goes – here goes nothing.’ I was hoping it would work out well and it did,” Andrew Watt told WFAA after the Astros World Series win was secure, and after Watt managed to see all seven of the games in person!
As a native Houstonian, Watt developed fond memories of watching the Astros in his youth, and now, he has a whirlwind of moments from the 2017 World Series to add to his memory bank. Spending around $25-$30 thousand (he hasn’t calculated the exact amount), Watt attended every game in Houston and Los Angeles this month. “For about three hours, I booked tickets, flights, hotel rooms, you name it,” he said.
Though his credit card companies were incredibly confused and calling him about possible fraud activity, Watt only had eyes on the Astros. As a 31-year-old oil trader, he said he feels comfortable with his purchases for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. says he didn’t skimp on seat choice, either. Watt purchased tickets near the dugout and close to the field, and the players could probably see his beaming smile!