
When Bluebonnets Will Look Their Best This Year

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Tony Maples Photography


Once you start seeing a few bluebonnets in full bloom, you will know we are just a few weeks away from their peak. The roadsides tend to fill in first, followed by fields being filled by blankets of blue.

Bluebonnets tend to bloom and peak earlier in southern and eastern locations, around the end of March. Parts of Texas which are further north and west usually start seeing peak displays in early to mid-April. A given area in peak bloom can last for two to three weeks.

When bluebonnets peak, they can cover vast stretches of landscape.

Massive field of bluebonnets at Muleshoe Bend in Spicewood.
Photo: Jason Weingart

If you’re coming to Texas and only able to look for bluebonnets for a few days, our suggestion is to base yourself out of the Austin or San Antonio area during the first couple weeks of April. From here you can make easy day trips across the Hill Country to see the best displays.

Aggie Horticulture
Wildflower Haven

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