Caussey’s Corner
Jo Ann Holt | February 5, 2025
The Albert Hotel Opens in Fredericksburg
The Albert Hotel, an eclectically refined Hill Country getaway, opened in Fredericksburg earlier this month. A true destination,...
Durhl Caussey | April 12, 2022
Caussey’s Corner: Days of Grand Adventure with Patso
Durhl Caussey | October 16, 2021
Caussey’s Corner: Walking Through Tall Grass
It was unseasonably cool in Texas for a late June day. Low hanging, puffy-white clouds moved quickly westerly...
Durhl Caussey | September 9, 2021
Caussey’s Corner: Pathway of Gold
Summer finally arrived some time ago, and did so with blistered vengeance. Temperatures well over 100 settled uncomfortably...
Durhl Caussey | August 23, 2021
Caussey’s Corner: The Tale of the Soldier and the Little Boy
A Marine with his weapon at the ready was checking the street perimeter. He peered around a corner...
Durhl Caussey | July 29, 2021
Caussey’s Corner: Fireflies in a Jar, the Glow of a Texas Summer Night
This May in Texas, the weather was not late spring typical. It rained often, and the temperature moderated...
Durhl Caussey | July 25, 2021
Moonlight Walks the Water: Breathtaking Beauty on a Texas Lake
Beauty is not found in things created by hand or machine, but miracles that have waxed firm over...
Durhl Caussey | June 30, 2021
Caussey’s Corner: The Beat of a Texas Sparrow’s Heart
Saturday is my special day. In the morning, I putter around the kitchen fixing a light breakfast of...
Durhl Caussey | June 8, 2021
Caussey’s Corner: Don’t Worry Honey—They are Both in Heaven Now!
The live squirrel appeared reluctant to leave the body of his dead comrade. At the last moment, he...
Durhl Caussey | May 26, 2021
Caussey’s Corner: A Look Back at a Letter to a Soldier
(Columnist’s Note: The daily sacrifices of the American soldiers and their families are too often forgotten by those...
Durhl Caussey | May 10, 2021
Caussey’s Corner: Come Take a Stroll with Me
Readers, come with me and take a walk. Walking is an activity that helps me calm the tension...
Durhl Caussey | May 6, 2021
Caussey’s Corner: A Warm Moon on a Soft Summer Night
The night is clear and deep. Stars appear as though diamonds flung against a canopy of ebony satin...
Durhl Caussey | April 19, 2021
Caussey’s Corner: Mailbox On a West Texas Dirt Road
I grew up at the end of a dirt road, where only those coming to my house used...
Durhl Caussey | April 3, 2021
Caussey’s Corner: A Look Back at The Passion of the Christ
Mel Gibson, the producer and financial supporter, had presented a film, “The Passion of the Christ” in a...
Durhl Caussey | March 22, 2021
Caussey’s Corner: The Purge, or a Spoonful of Daddy’s Tonic
As I was growing up, medical doctors were in short supply and never seen. I recall seeing the...
Durhl Caussey | March 11, 2021
Red Birds Ride the Cresting Wind: Watching a Texas Red Bird
There on a single jasmine limb waving back and forth like a passenger on a state fair ride,...
Durhl Caussey | January 15, 2021
Caussey’s Corner: A Night of Wind Chimes in the Rain
It is late at night. The house is quiet. Only the bathroom night-light gives enough direction to recognize...
Durhl Caussey | December 17, 2020
Christmas Holiday in the City: A Texan’s Memory from 10 Years Ago
It is wonderful, this city called New York. During Christmas, bright lights and festive sounds smash against one’s...
Durhl Caussey | December 3, 2020
The Red Fleet Line Wagon: One Last Christmas Wish
Ben was born before the Great Depression. His dad had a grocery store that went bankrupt in 1932...
Durhl Caussey | November 23, 2020
Caussey’s Corner: Pass the Ketchup Please! A Hilarious Tale
I don’t know much about the history of ketchup, but I do know that I like it a...