Local News

The Dallas Zoo Eagerly Awaits the Arrival of Two Hippos

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Tony Maples Photography


“Not everybody owns a hippo crate,” reports WFAA. But luckily, the Dallas Zoo tracked down a rhino crate to transport one of their new hippos to the zoo’s recently constructed $14 million exhibit spanning 2.1 acres. A male hippo will travel from Los Angeles, while a female will come from Albuquerque.

It’s been about 17 years since the Dallas Zoo had hippopotamuses in their care, but the staff is thrilled to have the opportunity to take on the 3,500 pound (give or take) animals once they’re ready. Trainers with the Dallas Zoo interacted with the creatures before they’re transported, and the hippos are able to get used to the crates before they’re moved.

Dallas Zoo’s Keith Zdrojewski spoke to the news about the hippo shipping company. “This is what they do, moving animals from zoo to zoo. They stop every two or three hours, check on them, feed them, give them water, and hose them down and make sure they are doing well,” he said.

To follow the progress of getting the hippos to their new home in Texas, check out the Dallas Zoo’s YouTube page, Dallas Zoo Tube. The first episode follows a zookeeper as she meets Adhama, the male hippo from Los Angeles.