7. Eva Longoria

Famous Texas Women and What Makes Us Proud

Photo: thedailycougar.com
Longoria was born March 15, 1975 in Corpus Christi, Texas. Best known for her role as Gabrielle Solis on Desperate Housewives, Longoria is also the founder of the Eva Longoria Foundation.
“Eva is an active philanthropist. She founded the Eva Longoria Foundation in 2012 to help Latinas build better futures for themselves and their families through education and entrepreneurship,” states evalongoriafoundation.org.
Having had the rare opportunity to work with her when she was the Keynote speaker for a banquet I worked on, I saw firsthand the impact her speech had on the young students in the crowd. They walked away confident knowing that just like Eva they too could achieve their dreams and make a difference with their work.
8. Michelle Rodriguez

Photo: michelle-rodriguez.com
An actress and screenwriter, Rodriguez was born on July 12, 1978 in San Antonio, Texas. Best known for her role as Letty Ortiz in the blockbuster franchise The Fast and Furious, Rodriguez is also a writer.
“She has stated that she has two screenplays under development and plans to take a break from acting to pursue her writing,” states Wikipedia. “During her career, Rodriguez has played tough, independent women in a number of successful action films, such as Blue Crush, S.W.A.T., Battle: Los Angeles and Avatar.”
9. Jennifer Garner

Garner stole our hearts in the movie 13 going on 30. Who knew she was also a Texas born sweetheart. Born April 17, 1972 in Houston, Texas, “Garner earned notice for her recurring role on the hit show Felicity, and the show’s producer subsequently cast her as the lead in a new ABC drama, Alias,” states biography.com.
Her leading men have included the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck, Mark Ruffalo, and Matthew McConaughey. Most recently Garner can be seen in the coming true story Miracles from Heaven set to hit theaters March 16th.