These Glasses Can Help a Blind Person to See
“It sounds trite but you can’t put a price tag on your vision,” Cody Moore told WFAA. The news followed Moore to try on a pair of eSight glasses, which helps to restore his vision to what it was years ago. When Moore was 24, he became legally blind due to an illness, and now, at age 33, he was able to see the trees and his dad’s face once again.
According to the eSight website, “eSight is the only patented eyewear solution that allows people with visual impairment to see again, in a way that’s often very close to normal vision. eSight is wearable, hands-free, portable, comfortable and mobile.” WFAA explains that they use a “combination of organic LED screens, advanced optics and high-resolution cameras” to restore the wearer’s vision.
Unfortunately, the glasses are $15,000, and not covered by many insurance companies. Moore is hoping to raise enough money to buy himself a pair. Until then, he will have to savor the moment he was able to see his dad after nearly 10 years. He couldn’t help but tell him that he was looking pretty old!
If you’d like to donate to Moore’s fund for a permanent pair of these glasses, click here.