Texas’ fourth IKEA store opened in Grand Prairie recently and it is getting lots of attention. Not only does this newest store offer the usually affordable home decor, furniture, in-store restaurant, and even entire kitchens available for purchase, but it has a few stand-out features that the company is either experimenting with or bringing back to its consumers in this Dallas suburb.
4th IKEA Store in Texas Opened in Grand Prairie to Much Fanfare
290 Thousand Square Feet of Affordable Home Furnishings

Photo: Facebook/IKEA
At 290 thousand square feet, the Grand Prairie store is about the same size as the one in nearby Frisco, but it is all on one level. While most people call IKEA’s layout a big maze, “we call it natural pathways,” Grand Prairie Ikea manager Matt Hunsicker said. To make navigation easier, more signs have been added that point to what’s ahead, plus several “cut-through” doorways have been added between sections. The restaurant with seating for 450 is in the middle of the store. This store also has the children’s play area called Smaland.
47th Store in the United States

Photo: Facebook/IKEA
The first 47 people who were in line on opening day received $379 Ektorp sofas and the next 100 got $79 Poang armchairs. Adults with a December 13 birthday (the date of the store’s opening) received a $47 gift card. Why the give-away focus on the number 47? This is Ikea’s 47th store in the U.S.
The Grand Prairie IKEA has also brought back pet supplies to this newest store in a response to the growing $20 billion-a-year pet supply business. In an effort to be as “green” as possible, the new IKEA’s roof has enough solar panels to run 200 homes for a year. The store also only sells LED bulbs.
San Antonio might be the next Texas location for the Swedish superstore. The company said it would break ground on the new San Antonio location in Spring 2018 with an opening targeted for Summer 2019, building a 289 thousand-square-foot retail space in the Live Oak area of the Alamo city.