
McNeil High School Seniors Pull off Most Hilarious Prank Ever

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Tony Maples Photography


It’s a classic tradition: the senior class pranks the younger classes on the final days of school. However, McNeil High School seniors win this year’s best senior prank.

In the Round Rock school district sits McNeil High School. It recently made national news with the senior class’ epic prank: covering the halls and stairwells with thousands upon thousands of balloons. In fact, they even plastic-wrapped them to the staircases around campus.

While some senior pranks get a bad reputation, this one made Principal Courtney Acosta extremely proud because it was all in good fun and no one was harmed in the execution of the prank. As the Austin American-Statesman reported, she tweeted, “If kids aren’t given the chance to play, they will take. Thank you for doing it right, ’16! #ProudPrincipal.”

The senior boys carried a patrol cart of up a flight of stairs with balloons plastic wrapped inside. The message inside read, “Haha. Now you’re booted. $30!”

Congratulations to the McNeil 2016 senior class for tastefully carrying out a prank the way it should be done: all in good fun, for the enjoyment of everyone. These students exemplify what it means to be a Texan: never take yourself too seriously.