That crazy driver just flew past you breaking the speed limit. You look around everywhere for a patrol officer but there is none in sight. Wait a minute. What’s that? The motorcycle that just zipped past you with lights and sirens but no driver. Is it Robocop? No, it’s a super-fast, driverless motorcycle working 24 hours a day, seven days a week, issuing traffic tickets via mobile apps to the owners of any vehicle daring to break the speed limit.
Robocop on a Motorcycle? Meet the Police Superbike of the Future
Photo: Facebook/Imaginactive
Sound like a sci-fi movie? It’s not. The designs for these police drones already exists. Charles Bombardier of Imaginactive is working to make these superbikes a reality. In an interview with CNN, Bombardier, a Canadian mechanical engineer said, “It’s only the natural evolution of technology. Traffic cameras have been around for years. But with the advancement of pilotless technology we now have new solutions to the basic needs in our public works systems, including in the area of public safety.”
Photo: Wikimedia
With the recent violence towards law enforcement, the simple act of stopping someone for a traffic violation has become a life or death situation for the police officer. Using driverless drones to handle minor traffic infractions like speeding could save lives. And the technology behind these cars already exists. In November, a driverless electric racer completed a successful track test in Marrakech, Morocco. Czech artist, Jan Metelka, worked with Bombardier to design the drone bike.
Photo: Facebook/Revista Online Magazine
According to Bombardier, one police officer could supervise five Interceptor units. Imaginactive’s police drone means human patrol officers can be reallocated to more urgent police business, instead of wasting time issuing traffic tickets. “But these police drones would require a big investment. You would need around $5 million, so they would need to be financed by a government organization,” Bombardier told CNN.