Local News
Texan Shoots a Huge 416-Pound Wild Hog in His Backyard
Much has been said about the wild hog problem in Texas. There are even helicopter trips that hunters can go on to shoot the creatures that are causing mayhem and doing damage to many peoples’ land. But Joe Clowers of Union Grove, Texas (northwest of Longview) didn’t need to fly above his property to kill a massive wild hog that had been visiting his land for the past five years. Chron.com says he took down the creature with an AR-15 and found out that it weighed an incredible 416 pounds!
Photos of the beast were posted on the Gregg County Game Warden’s Facebook page which has been shared over 3 thousand times and accumulated over 1.6 thousand reactions. People are shocked to see how big wild hogs can get. Like Julie Alexander commented, “Great googly moogley! That thing is massive!”
Normally, wild hogs are OK to eat, but Chron.com reports that Clowers plans to “…mount the hog European-style. The meat was left out too long for it to be salvaged so the departed hog will live on as a trophy in Clowers’ home.”