The talk of tacos in Texas ranges from puffy to hard shell, Al Pastor to Barbacoa, and everything in between. We love everything about them, and we generally continue to pay homage to the places we love that produce the best of them. “Taco ninja…taco Jedi is more like it…” said one individual in the recent video post to the Munchies YouTube channel, entitled “Street Tacos of Texas – Street Food Icons.” Don’t you love street tacos?
“Jose Luis Perez Mendez, better known as El Primo, is king of breakfast tacos in Austin, TX. He’s been selling street tacos for over 14 years in Austin. He sells chorizo, ham, migas and bean and cheese breakfast tacos as well as traditional carne asada, al pastor and barbacaoa street tacos to his clientele in South Austin,” the video caption reads. This Texas Hill Country tacopreneur (no, we haven’t trademarked the term, so feel free to use it…) was featured in the Munchies clip that has seen close to 1 million views since it was uploaded in December 2019!