Getting outdoors and enjoying the sun is healthy, invigorating, and natural to most of us. The benefits of the sun are Vitamin D production and a contribution to hormone balance. If you get too much sun and want sunburn relief quickly and naturally, there is proven help available.
Get Sunburn Relief Quickly and Naturally
Cool Off

Photo: Pixabay/Unsplash
Even if you know your limitations for sun exposure there are times when we over do it, suffer the consequences, and need sunburn relief quickly and naturally. So, what do you do if you are sunburned? First, cool off, dipping in cool water, then get out of the sun. Cover up with loose fitting clothing, a robe, or large towel if you can’t get indoors. Stay in the shade. Always, if you are outdoors, specifically, drink a lot of water and beneficial teas to stay hydrated.
Do’s and Don’ts