All posts by Donna Warfield Smith
Donna Warfield Smith | January 4, 2019
Dangerous Foods for Your Dog: Is Your Pet’s Diet Safe?
Do you know your pet's diet? When it comes to your companion's diet, knowing what's best for them can...
Donna Warfield Smith | December 19, 2018
Nitric Oxide, Friend or Foe: A Look at the Possible Health Benefits
Nitric Oxide is a rather new compound being studied for its many benefits and uses. In 1998, the Nobel...
Donna Warfield Smith | September 18, 2018
Monk Fruit Sweetener: A Diabetic’s Saving Grace?
When you have diabetes, all your favorite stuff in your diet has been eliminated from your menu, especially...
Donna Warfield Smith | March 5, 2018
The Gregorian Calendar New Year & What it Means in Texas
There are over 40 different timetables today in the world, from ancient Babylonian to a modern Gregorian calendar,...
Donna Warfield Smith | June 28, 2017
Get Sunburn Relief Quickly and Naturally
Getting outdoors and enjoying the sun is healthy! But, overdoing it causes sunburn. Relieve your sunburn quickly and...
Donna Warfield Smith | April 27, 2017
Try Natural Mosquito Repellents: No DEET
Lemon eucalyptus oil and garlic are natural mosquito repellents, and are non-toxic, safe and as effective, if not...
Donna Warfield Smith | April 27, 2017
Snakebite: Teach Your Family First Aid
Everyone reading this should call their local hospital and ask if they are equipped to treat snakebite and,...
Donna Warfield Smith | April 14, 2017
Honey: Natural Healing and Health
Honey, healing and health are within your reach just by enjoying one of God’s greatest healing gifts to...
Donna Warfield Smith | April 7, 2017
Get a Healthy Garden and Healthy Plants, Naturally
If you wish to have a healthy garden, then improve your garden soil with banana peelings, coffee grounds...
Donna Warfield Smith | March 24, 2017
Got Raw Milk? A Look Into the Benefits of Raw Vs. Pasteurized Milk
Many consumers today are not aware of the benefits of raw milk. As with other foods, too many...
Donna Warfield Smith | March 6, 2017
Fiddlehead Ferns: A Surprise Delicacy
Fiddlehead Ferns have a nutty, earthy flavor, like mushrooms, go well in omelets and frittatas, are exceptional in...
Donna Warfield Smith | March 3, 2017
Repel Mosquitoes Naturally: Home, Outdoors, Camping
Catnip is said to be ten times more effective than DEET to repel mosquitoes. Along with other plants,...
Donna Warfield Smith | March 3, 2017
Plants That Purify Your Indoor Air
Add plants to your home that are known to purify your indoor air, actually absorbing toxins and replenishing...
Donna Warfield Smith | March 3, 2017
Combating Hot Flushes, Tears, Menopause, & Weight Gain
Menopause normally consists of hot flushes, night sweats, emotions on a roller coaster, fear of loss of sexual...
Donna Warfield Smith | February 22, 2017
Jerusalem Artichokes: The Chef’s Potato
If you like potatoes you will like Jerusalem Artichokes. They are one of the finest cuisine vegetables, more...
Donna Warfield Smith | February 13, 2017
Who Was That Man, Saint Valentine?
Saint Valentine was a Roman priest during the reign of Emperor Tiberius Claudius. He broke the law by...
Donna Warfield Smith | February 8, 2017
You Can Do It: Delicious Edible Flowers
Edible flowers have long been a part of diets around the world, but have you ever cooked or...
Donna Warfield Smith | February 1, 2017
4 Common Plants That Heal Your Wounds
There are wound care plants that are known for their antibacterial properties in healing and their abilities to absorb...
Donna Warfield Smith | January 31, 2017
Make Your Own Herbed Salt for Better Health
One of the best things you can do for your everyday health is to eat less processed salt...
Donna Warfield Smith | January 27, 2017
Cholesterol: Know the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Modern medicine says a cholesterol reading of 240 or higher is considered high, making you a target for...