The Christmas season is in full swing, and everyone is getting up those holiday decorations including displaying their Christmas tree upside down. Upside down trees seem to be all the rage among some households, and even department stores and hotels are getting in on the trend.
Although not a new fad, it’s actually been a trend that dates back to the Middle Ages. According to an article by, hanging your tree upside down for Christmas is a tradition the Europeans followed “to represent the Trinity.” Many stores such as Target, Walmart, and Home Depot have jumped on the unusual phenomenon and started selling these whimsical trees.
Although, quite the conversation piece, not everyone is happy about the display of a long-standing tradition. “Christmas trees are shaped with the tip pointing to heaven, and some think an upside-down Christmas tree is disrespectful or sacrilegious,” shared
They come in all shapes and sizes much like your traditional Christmas trees. They can be hung from the ceiling in brackets or even can be fitted into a stand so that its displayed much like a regular Christmas tree, just upside down.
A few perks of having an upside tree are more presents can be placed around the tree. For department stores, ornaments seem to pop out more and catch the attention of buyers. “More ornaments could be displayed at eye level to the buying public,” shared Your pets won’t be knocking off or breaking beloved ornaments as easily. Just some things to consider.
Many on social media aren’t too thrilled with the idea as you can search Twitter for upside down Christmas trees, and see many on the fence regarding this new tradition. Will this be something that catches on as we celebrate future Christmas seasons? Only time will tell, but new traditions pop up every year, and you just might find yourself gathered around a nice fire in front of one of these unusual trees, as you leave those cookies for Santa. What will he think of this?