
Escape: Just How Clever Are You?

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Tony Maples Photography


Several years after their debut in Southeast Asia, and after they became popular in Europe, “Escape” games have reached the Texas Hill Country. Are you ready to match your wits against the very clever people who create each game?

This group of players in San Antonio is getting their briefing.

Escape Crowd

Photo: Robert C Deming

This group of players from a San Antonio based business are listening to instructions before they enter two separate game rooms. Businesses like the way participants have to work as a team and communicate well to solve the puzzles. Families like the way it allows each member to be a part of finding the solutions.

She has found the combination to the lock, but what is inside?

Escape Locker

Photo: Robert C Deming

Although there are some franchised escape games, most are unique situations crafted by the very crafty and clever people who own the businesses. According to Lorrie Hess, co-owner of Hill Country Escape in Fredericksburg, “Everyone is clever enough, given enough time. But you don’t get enough time.” Just in case you don’t think you are smart or clever enough to beat the clock, she says, “You are smart enough to do it with a team.”

Does this map hold a clue?

Escape Map

Photo: Robert C Deming

Each game comes with a unique story, and the objective is to find your way out of the room or rooms before the one-hour countdown clock runs out. Game designers can make each game more difficult, if necessary when challenged by experienced players. According to Lorrie, some of the best players are police detectives or investigators, who carefully consider each clue and re-evaluate the prior clues in light of what they learn as they progress.

You are being watched.

Escape GameMaster
Photo: Robert C Deming

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