3. Texas has a rich history. And lots of it.
Top 5 Reasons Texans Love Texas
Photo: history.com
From the Alamo to Spindletop, captivating stories abound. The Republic of Texas has its own interesting story to tell. Texas school children are required to take United States History – and Texas History. Must be important! How many other states do that?
4. Everything is bigger in Texas – especially the economy.
Photo: Wikipedia
The Lone Star State is continually ranked as one of the world’s top economies and had the most job growth out of all the other states. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce as of February 2015, Texas’ estimated GSP (gross state product) is $ 1,722,584 – only outranked by California at $2,396,021. Texas is the world’s 14th largest economy, and the state has more Fortune 500 companies than any other state in the Union.
5. We have pride.
Photo: www.politablog.com
You might be thinking, can “pride” be part of the list itself? We think so. Pride goes hand-in-hand with self-confidence. How many states have citizens who have so much pride for their state, they add “Texas” to everything – just to make it better? Texan pride goes much farther back than the California gold rush and is an intricate part of our everyday life. Travel to any city across the state, find a busy hangout, and shout, “Texas sucks!” Better make sure you can run fast, because they’re coming for you. “Get a rope!”
Reference: Wikipedia
Photo: Aint Texas – Shirt by Texas Hill Country
We recently designed a shirt to show off your Texan pride! Find the above shirt, and more at Texas Hill Country Shirts.