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Governor’s Mansion Lit Up in Blue Honors Dallas Police

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Tony Maples Photography


On Friday, July 8, 2016, Governor Greg Abbott put on a great display to honor the Dallas officers who were killed and wounded by the shootings the night before. He lit up his entire mansion in blue with the help of Austin Event Lighting. In addition to that, Abbott also has the City of Dallas’ flag hung between the U.S. flag and the Texas flag on the Governor’s Mansion to represent unity between Dallas and its victims, according to a tweet he posted on July 9th.

Governor's Mansion Greg Abbott BluePhoto: Twitter/ John Wittman

The day after the shootings, Governor Abbott called for all Texans to unite in an open letter. The letter is posted on the Office of the Governor website and it reads:

A Time To Come Together
By Governor Greg Abbott

Our hearts are heavy.

Last night in Dallas, five law enforcement officers were killed; seven officers and two civilians were wounded.

The coordinated ambush and deliberate, brutal executions were acts of cowardice – hiding behind innocents to target and savagely slaughter peace officers dedicated to preserving life and our freedoms.

The full force of the law must ensure all responsible are brought to justice and our communities are kept secure.

Justice will be served, but justice is small solace for the families left behind.

We mourn for the families of the fallen, for the law enforcement community and for our nation.

Respect for our law enforcement officers must be restored in our nation.

The badge every officer wears over his or her heart is a reminder of a sacred trust, a commitment, a contract with each of us.

For law enforcement officers to stand in front of us and all that threatens, we must stand behind them.

Every life matters.

With each innocent life lost, we lose more of our humanity.

It is time for us to unite as Texans, as Americans, to say no more.

No more will we tolerate disrespect for those who serve.

No more will we allow the evil of hate merchants to tear us apart.

Though anguish and sorrow may darken the days ahead, we will not be overcome by evil – we will overcome evil with good.

Texas is an exceptional state with exceptional people. We’ve faced tough challenges in the past, but we have come together to overcome those challenges.

In the coming days, there will be those who foment distrust and fan the flames of dissension.

To come together – that would be the greatest rebuke to those who seek to tear us apart.

There is far more that binds us together. We see that great strength in times of tragedy, in times of great need. Whether fire or flood or the acts of depraved individuals, Texans are the first to open their hearts, their homes, their wallets to offer charity and love.

I ask for your prayers – for our law enforcement officers, for the city of Dallas, for our state and for our nation.

May God comfort those who’ve lost a family member.

And may God heal the hurt in our communities.

I have faith in the goodness of Texas, of America. For in the end, evil always fails.

Governor Abbott posted another tweet Monday, July 11, 2016 that states, “I’m away but still keeping Governor’s Mansion blue to honor Dallas Police Officers.” It’s nice to know our Governor remains supportive regardless of his own personal hardships.