Local News

2018 Predicted to be Bad for Cedar Fever Sufferers in Central Texas

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Tony Maples Photography


The cedar pollen count which is predicted for 2018 is likely to send you to the drugstore to stock up on allergy relief in advance. Although a misnomer (the “cedar trees” in question in Central Texas are technically ashe junipers) those with “cedar” allergies won’t be happy to hear that KXAN has recently reported that with the end of the drought that took place in Texas from 2011 to 2015, the increased rain from the past two seasons will result in increased pollen levels, making allergy sufferers more miserable than in typical years.

Cedar season usually runs from late December through February. Allergist Dr. Robert Cook, who was consulted by KXAN, has noted that more trees which have resulted from the added rains are now at a maturity level which makes them ready to pollinate. This added pollen will mean severe allergies for Central Texas. What this may look like (for those that are unfamiliar) is a type of cloud, similar to yellow smoke, rising from these evergreens. It has the potential to coat houses and cars, and cause allergy sufferers extreme issues with their sinuses, eyes, and a general malaise…which is termed “Cedar Fever.” If you are lucky enough to never have had cedar allergies, then good on you, because, for those that suffer from them, it’s no joke. In a typical year, the pollen count is anticipated anywhere between 5,000-10,000 grains per cubic meter of air. This year, it could range anywhere between 10,000-60,000, which is rare.