
The Wine is Coming: Crush Is in Full Swing

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Tony Maples Photography


From the Hill Country to the Panhandle, grapes are ripening on vines, and a small army of people are turning them into fine Texas wines. This is a round the clock operation from late July to October or November, and it is known as “crush.”

From the Vineyard to the Winery

Grapes being dumped into a destemmer/crusher

Photo: Robert C Deming

Grapes just picked nearby are processed by being dumped into a de-stemming and crushing machine at William Chris Wines in Hye.

Let the Fermentation Begin!

Fermentation begins

Photo: Robert C Deming

These grapes are fermenting in a large tub. They aren’t much to look at yet, but there is great promise here.

Stirring Fermented Grapes

Stirring the grapes in fermentation

Photo: Robert C Deming

In the photo above, Joe at Hye Meadows Winery is stirring fermenting grapes. This Fredericksburg native left a career in extreme sports (climbing) to join Hye Meadows Winery as an assistant winemaker.

Behind the Scenes at William Chris Winery

William Chris winery
Photo: Robert C Deming

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