
This Man Creates Incredible Drawings in Sand on a Huge Scale

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Tony Maples Photography


Recently Tim Hoekstra wrote an article on Bored Panda to spread the word about his unique form of artwork. Hokestra creates temporary installations out in nature, more specifically, he makes large designs in the sand on beaches where his work will eventually wash away during high tide.

“I love the idea of temporary art because all things in life are temporary,” he writes. Hoekstra started out by using whatever he found at the beach to draw smaller designs, but eventually, he decided to fashion his own rake to enable him to draw on a much larger scale on the sand. “Because they became so big I wanted to see the result from above. I mounted a GoPro on a kite so I could make pictures. Nowadays I am using a drone. I am inspired by tattoo artists, street art, and geometry,” he explains.

Hoekstra’s Facebook page, called “Dutch beach art”, chronicles his temporary art pieces with the aerial shots he captures like the viewer is a seagull soaring over the beach. According to his posts, lately, he’s been working on Polynesian mandalas with his friend and fellow artist Edwin Waterman. Join thousands of others who follow his work and like his Facebook page here.

Watch a compilation video of his designs below. (Be aware that you may want to mute the video if you’re at work or in public since there are no speaking parts, only loud music.)