
Watch George Strait Sing Touching Tribute to Late Daughter

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Tony Maples Photography


George Strait lost his daughter in an unthinkable tragedy back in 1986 when she was just 13-years-old.

Jennifer Strait was involved in a passenger car accident, having been ejected from the vehicle, and did not survive. As a means to cope with the heartbreaking loss, her father composed music in her stead.

“Baby Blue” was one such song, and his beautiful blue-eyed daughter ought to be looking down from above, proud as can be. The chorus alone will hit you right where it hurts, and has surely caused many a grown man to cry:

And baby blue was the color of her eyes / Baby blue like the Colorado skies / Like a breath of spring, she came and left, and I still don’t know why, so here’s to you and whoever holds my baby blue tonight

In addition to creating beautiful music to share with the world about his daughter, the singer elected to create a charity in her name right here in San Antonio. The Jenifer Lynn Strait Foundation still makes charitable donations to children of need to this very day.

Watch George Strait Sing “Baby Blue” in Tribute to Late Daughter: