
Do These Holiday Treats Trigger Your Most Decadent Food Desires?

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Tony Maples Photography


Last year, Krispy Kreme came out with the Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg donut for Easter. Being no stranger to new and exciting flavors, such as the green glazed donuts for St. Patrick’s Day, we’re wondering if we can again anticipate a tempting combination of tastes for this year’s celebrations. Because, as far as sustenance versus hedonism goes, holidays seem to have their finger on the pulse of our deepest food desires.

Do These Holiday Treats Trigger Your Most Decadent Food Desires?

Photo: Facebook/Mix 106.5

Ah, we remember it well. It was a limited-time offer which ran from mid-March through Easter of 2018. Lining up excitedly to get that first Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg donut was the stuff that our dreams are made of. Its perfectly unglazed shell barely gave a hint of the luscious blend of chocolate icing and peanut butter “kreme” that lay within. There we were, clearly oblivious to the fact it probably equaled a quarter of our daily calorie intake… But isn’t that what treats are for? Limited time treats that usher in the thoughts of spring and a rabbit gleefully tripping through the grass to bring us happiness in sugar form – well, it’s just about tops on our list. Our food desires find us easy to please.

Do These Holiday Treats Trigger Your Most Decadent Food Desires?

Photo: Facebook/H-E-B

Holidays are a great time for celebrating the best in us, our families, and our communities. We try hard not to overlook the true meaning behind them, honoring all the important remembrances and blessings and the reasons for them coming about. Easter isn’t exactly the time for the utmost in holiday food triggers, of course. Christmas and Thanksgiving seem to generate a vast amount of delightful feasting. Some of us may feel bombarded by them, actually, but when we try hard to live a healthy and good life, well, we often feel entitled to go overboard now and then. And inevitably, we feel a bit guilty after we indulge. So, whether you’re getting your Easter kolaches in the Texas Hill Country or enjoying The Orange Show festivities in Houston, centered around Peeps, cut yourself some slack. Sampling several dozen of Grandma’s homemade Easter cookies in the shapes of rabbits, eggs, and even cacti (don’t laugh – she can’t grow tulips in West Texas!) is a pleasure many of us savor each year. If the worst thing that comes from a holiday is that our old food desires revisit us as opposed to our exes, we’re doing better than some!