The Texas wildflower season has commenced. While many areas are just getting started, we found one bluebonnet field in the City of Brenham that is already at peak bloom and waiting for you to take photos of it! All images in this article were photographed on March 13, 2017.
The field is on Indian Paintbrush Road, north of Highway 290.
Photo: Google
The field was seeded some time ago. Although the owners used to charge a fee for folks to get their bluebonnet photos, it is now totally free. There is no fence around the property and while some areas have obviously been posed in, with bluebonnets stomped down, most of the field in in pristine condition.
It is approximately two acres and completely covered in bluebonnets.
Photo: Jason Weingart
Bluebonnets tend to last for about a week or so once they hit their peak, so you probably have until next week to go here and get your photos. Of course, you never know what could happen, so the sooner, the better.
The blooms look very healthy.
Photo: Jason Weingart