
Lulu’s Bakery Gets National Attention for Massive Cinnamon Rolls

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Tony Maples Photography


At 918 N. Main Ave in San Antonio, Texas sits a 24-hour restaurant called Lulu’s Bakery and Café. Locals know Lulu’s well for their chicken fried steak and larger than life cinnamon rolls. The famous rolls weigh a whopping three pounds and are served dripping with a thick glaze.

Recently, Buzzfeed highlighted Lulu’s massive cinnamon pastries in a video that’s spreading across the world. For those who have already feasted upon one of these mega-cinnamon rolls, watching the process of seeing one made in the Buzzfeed video will give you a new perspective on the treat. The large amounts of cinnamon, sugar and dough rolling around on the table looks tasty and tricky to make! said that Lulu’s Bakery and Café celebrated their 21st anniversary in 2016, but many people are still experiencing the famous cinnamon roll for the first time. Chris Johnson commented on Buzzfeed’s Facebook video upload to say, “I just had one of these in November. Myself, mom, her cousin & cousins husband. The 4 of us only finished 1/4 of it the night we ordered it. It is so rich & delicious, we did take leftovers & finished it the next day.” For scale, just remember that the roll takes up an entire plate!