Texas Hill Country News

Paranormal Activity Caught on Tape at Texas Magnolia Hotel

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Tony Maples Photography


The Haunted Magnolia Hotel is living up to its nickname. In a new video uploaded by Strange Town, a web series created by two Austinites with an interest in the paranormal, black and white mist was caught on tape swirling around The Campbell Room. This room is known as a “space occupied by the former Texas Ranger James Campbell, when this portion of the building served as a Ranger outpost. Boot steps are often heard on the wooden floor, and the smell of cigar smoke will appear in the air. Captured while conducting a public investigation at the Magnolia Hotel during the early hours of August 5th, 2017,” Strange Town explains.

Though the Magnolia Hotel owners are familiar with spirits within the building, they say they’ve never seen the mist activity before. According to the HautnedMagnoliaHotel.com, the owners of the site are currently working to restore the historical building originally built in 1840 as a log cabin and was later combined with multiple buildings into a hotel in the early 1900s. They hope to make a museum worthy of its history and possible paranormal activity out of the site.

Of course, there are many naysayers commenting on the video as well, saying that it looks like someone is smoking a cigarette behind the camera. Watch the video below and decide for yourself.