If, like us, you simply went about your life referring to Rockwall, Texas, and never really contemplating why it was called that, you’re in luck! We’ve got the answer. The city of Rockwall has, sitting beneath it, a row of hard mineral stones which appear to be stacked, long and narrow, forming what gives the impression of a “rock wall.” Sparking debate for over 160 years, the formation astounds the imagination and has engaged scientific experts on how and by whom this “rock wall” of Rockwall was built.
The Rock ‘Wall’ in Rockwall, Texas: Prehistoric Man, Extra-Terrestrial, or Natural Phenomenon?

Photo: Facebook/Jerry Gray
The question in the back of most peoples’ minds has been whether the wall was built by prehistoric man, or whether it was a naturally occurring phenomenon. The formation has been well documented in at least 11 different locations surrounding and below the city of Rockwall. And beginning in 1852, various excavations have taken place which are mapped and archived by the Rockwall County Historical Foundation. Appearing as random markings on their diagram, these portions of the “wall” began to look like dots or dashes, and markings that may have formed a pattern, or they could simply have been an actual expanse of wall, not meaning anything. But to this day, the entire length of “wall” remains to be excavated.

Photo: Facebook/Rockwall County Historical Foundation
In large part, the wall has been stumbled upon by accident. When someone was digging a well or plowing a field, a portion would become exposed. Some have actually gone looking for it, having purposely excavated it to study. Dr. Robert T. Hill had concluded as far back as 1901 that the “wall” was, in fact, no more than a naturally formed sandstone dike. Tests that have been run on the rocks since have tried to establish dating and makeup, and have also concluded the very same. Geologists from the University of Texas at Dallas have studied the formation and agree with these findings which, according to the Colorado Geological Survey, confirm that the formations came about from the deposit of sedimentary material which, over millions of years, dried and hardened. This material can often break as it condenses, which forms various patterns. The process has been documented around the world, but what’s unique about this formation in Rockwall is that the sandstone fractured in a way that appears to be in the shape of bricks which were put together symmetrically.

Photo: Facebook/Chad Riley
And then there’s the question of claims of there being “steps” and “archways.”. Old newspaper reports and local accounts go as far as describing a corridor, and archived photos appear to show the form of a drawing or writing on one of the rocks. And on one of the excavations, a round metal disk was discovered, composed of iron and embedded in one of the stones. It staggers the imagination. But Geologist John Geissman says otherwise. In an interview with CBS, Geissman stated, “In my opinion, it is virtually impossible for these to have been formed above the Earth’s surface. And, I think that any geoscientist would say the same thing, unless they were interested in nothing more than a lot of fake publicity.” And in reference to the metal ring, he went on to say, “The issue of the metal bolts, and other features in the dikes must be taken on a case-by-case basis. Everything that I saw was nothing more than odd concentrations of iron-bearing minerals, but not alloys made by humans…or intelligent and sentient beings who visited Earth in the past.”

Photo: Facebook/Ley Lines, Vortex, Magnetic Current:Lost Civilizations & Forgotten History
In 2013, the Rockwall County Historical Foundation offered rare access to private land for a presentation regarding the subterranean rock formation in a portion where it was exposed by a small excavation. Due to the fact all of the known locations of the “wall” were beneath privately-owned land, the opportunity was enticing, and its mystique had attracted the attention of “America Unearthed” from the H2 (History 2) channel. They filmed an episode on the formation in April of that same year, which churned plenty of excitement, considering the majority of Rockwall residents themselves have never even seen a part of the “wall!”

Photo: Facebook/Rockwall EDC
Despite the fact that geologists agree the formation is natural, and all evidence discredits the concept that prehistoric man left this lengthy monolith behind to tell us something in the present, the “wall” is ultimately a really cool Texas “thing.” The majority of Texas towns have features that are kitschy, or rather large, fun, and attractive in their own right. Rockwall, Texas has something that can’t be beat, and that appears to be a name built upon an actual foundation of sorts.