Texas Hill Country News

Scuba Divers Clean Up After Lake Travis Partiers on Memorial Day

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Tony Maples Photography


Lake Travis Scuba students and customers dove down in Lake Travis on Memorial Day to spruce up the water’s floor. They brought up 10 bags worth of trash, handfuls of sunglasses, and all of the other typical items people could easily lose while partying out on a boat in Lake Travis. Even some lost treasure in the form of jewelry was also uncovered!

Lake Travis Scuba operator Robert Weiss told KXAN, “Just like people enjoy using the hike and bike trails and they want to see the trails beautiful, clean and trash-free. We want to see the bottom of the lake trash-free as well.”

This volunteer-based venture was taken on by only eight divers, so they could only make a dent into the massive project of cleaning up the lake. Fortunately, another major cleanup is slated for the area. The annual Lake Travis Underwater & Shoreline Cleanup will take place on September 17th, bringing community members out to clean-up by walking along the shore or diving into the water.

According to their website, “The Lake Travis Cleanup is the BIGGEST scuba diving and shoreline cleanup in Texas. Each year, local dive, shoreline, and party volunteers, gather to collect and average of 5 tons of trash from the bottom of Lake Travis and 11 Travis County Parks around the lake, while also helping to raise public awareness of the importance of Lake Travis and the Highland Lakes.”

Austinites are lucky to have such conscientious community members to keep their outdoor areas looking good!