
Take Shelter Off the Beaten Path at McKinney Falls

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Tony Maples Photography


Instead we milled about looking at the clear water and wondering how people were getting to the other side. So in true hiker fashion we decided there must be another, safer crossing. We walked the pebbled beach following the water down stream. The people started to fade behind us — for the most part — as we slipped and slid over the rolling rocks.

About a quarter mile south of the lower falls we found an overlook. It gave us a great view of the falls below in what I can only describe as jungle-ish. Green trees and leafy vegetation surrounded the clear water trickling down stream.
There wasn’t much farther we could go on this side of the water, so we watched nature in quiet for a few minutes before heading back out.

While the hike was not strenuous, it was relaxing and fun to unwind so close to home.

Park Rating

On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the best):





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