
Video: Snakes Slithering Around Enchanted Rock by the Dozens

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Tony Maples Photography


It’s no secret that Texas is known for some wild types of snakes. Although it’s most definitely a beautiful place, the Hill Country is no exception to the rule—venomous or otherwise. Although hikers, campers, and the like so very rarely see a snake at places like Enchanted Rock State Natural Area, the past two weeks have been a whole other story.

Dozens of snakes have congregated at a low-water crossing close to the entrance to Enchanted Rock. It’s believed they’re there to eat, drink, and “be merry,”…’er maybe mate. They’ve stuck close to the edge of a concrete sidewalk for all of their carousing, and over the course of Memorial Day weekend more than 30 of them were writhing around in the water. A similar incident occurred on the weekend prior, and a video of such was posted to Instagram by officials at the park. The footage, dated May 20, 2019, referenced the area as a “swim up fish bar” for the non-venomous, plain-bellied water snakes seen moving their heads around in the small waterfall.

Video: Instagram/enchantedrockstatenaturalarea

Although the video posted by Enchanted Rock State Natural Area gives viewers the opportunity to see a little bit of what was actually happening on site, still more were found in deeper water downstream. Texas Parks and Wildlife herpetologist Paul Crump stated that snake sightings such as this are few and far between. Snakes generally try to steer clear of human contact and are hard to find in their natural settings. However, this time of year is a peak time for their mating activities, which appears to have brought them out in droves. When fish or other such creatures that the snakes feed on get stuck in areas that were previously flush with water following heavy rains, they know an easy meal can be had. The high water levels, as another result, can also make the movement of snakes much easier. Subsequently, they’re easier to see, more frequently. Those who come into contact with them, regardless of the snakes being harmless or otherwise, are advised not to approach them and always use extreme caution. In fact, just do your best to walk away.