
This Stunning Green Lamp Is Partially Made From Algae

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Tony Maples Photography


Upon first glance, these gorgeous green lamps look like their contemporary takes on stained glass designs, but within the intricate leaf designs is living algae. According to Bored Panda, design-engineer and biochemical technology researcher Julian Melchiorri created these lamps to use the power of photosynthesis. The design, which he dubbed “Exhale,” “is made from 70 algae-filled artificial leaves and gives off a warm, green glow. It is suitable for use both indoors and outdoors, wherever air purification is most required.”

Inhabitat writes that “Exhale” is currently on display at V&A Museum for London Design Week. In addition to its air-cleaning attributes, the beautiful lamps can also be reconfigured in different ways to suit the space it’s in. An art collector could also consider changing its design periodically to recall the changes seen through the seasons.

“Although the chandelier is a prototype at the moment, the designer envisions integrating his photo-reactive cell technology into future buildings, freeing them of harmful emissions,” Inhabitat adds. Looking through the comments on Melchiorri’s Instagram, it seems that several people are hopeful that the design will become commercially available at some point in the near future.

To learn more about Melchiorri’s research into environmental and artistic endeavors look through his website here.