
Texas Hill Country’s ‘Dog Days’ of Summer are Upon Us

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Tony Maples Photography


Here in the Texas Hill Country, we love our dogs, just as much as we love the heat (well maybe more so!). But when the two combine, it can be catastrophic for your little (or big) furry Texas dudes or dudettes. They can quickly become overheated (even from spending a few minutes playing outside), but that doesn’t have to relegate them to a summer indoors if you want to help them stay cool and beat the heat! With a few common sense tips, you and your downright cool dog will enjoy summer in the Texas Hill Country.

1. Play At Cooler Times of Day

Two dogs frolicking, one with a stick in its mouth


A safe precaution when it’s sweltering, of course, is to keep your pet inside, but you can still play outdoors with them – just at selective times. Mornings or evenings are of course best when the temperatures at a reasonable level. You can also play in the shade, and if you’re going for long walks, bring fresh water and a bowl for your furry buddy to keep cool while you’re out.

2. Make Extra Efforts to Keep Them Cool



Of course, the easiest way to keep your dog cool is to keep them inside in the air conditioning, especially during the hottest part of the day, but if that’s not a possibility (for whatever reasons), make sure your pet has a cool place to rest, lots of shade, and plenty of water.

3. Regular Grooming – Even Just You and a Brush



Dogs can have a surprisingly thick undercoat that you may not be aware of, and regular brushing of their fur can cool them down in a great way. Haircuts or shaves are also a good way to get them ready for a long, hot summer, but bear in mind that cutting their hair too short isn’t helping them as much as it might cause them to get sunburn. Practice moderation in this area.

4. Keep an Eye on Their Paws



Paved sidewalks and roadways can get very hot – even in the morning – and sometimes can burn a dog’s paw pads. To avoid this, try to walk them on the grass if possible. The earth underneath is softer and cooler on their paws and will help prevent bad damage to their feet. You could easily imagine the difference yourself in walking barefoot on one or the other!

5. Get Familiar With the Signs of Heatstroke in Your Pet



A 15-minute walk in the heat could cause your dog to become overheated. If they show the following symptoms, they may need immediate help: dizziness, throwing up, extreme drooling, trouble breathing, weakness, panting (more than normal), glazed eyes, fast heartbeat, trouble walking or standing, or a red and purple tongue. Immediate steps are to take me to a cooler area (in the shade or air conditioning) and to place some cold towels on their head, neck and chest. Give them some water and call the vet to get them properly cared for.