Texas Hill Country News
University of Texas at Austin Ranks Among Top Universities in the World
According to the Center for World Universities Rankings, UT Austin ranks at number 33 globally among top-rated schools and placed at number 21 in the U.S. As far as public universities go in America, it also ranked at number 7. These rankings have been published each year since 2012 and have been gleaned from data on the following: quality of education, employment rates of alumni, quality of faculty, influence and citations, research output, and publishing.
Photo: @jahborgs via Twenty20
The faculty at UT Austin received high marks, having won the Abel Prize for mathematics in the past year, the Wolf Prize for physics, as well as the Nobel Prize in chemistry. It was also ranked so highly on account of the volume, influence, and overall reach of the research completed there. This isn’t the first time the university has ranked well among the Center for World University Rankings rating system. It’s of note, however, due to its continued recognition for improvement, positive education atmosphere, and a quality of life for its staff and students that shows value.
UT Austin interim President Jay Hartzell expressed his pleasure with the rankings and then went on to identify that the school has “…yet to realize its full potential,” and that he looked forward to facilitating that happening by working with its students, staff, and faculty, finding ways they can grow in their strengths and increase their impact.
What do you think of these latest rankings? Where would you list the University of Texas at Austin among the rankings? Let us know what you think!