
Texas Weight Loss Transformations That Will Blow Your Mind

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With the new year in full swing, the likelihood that many of us here in Texas are struggling to keep our resolutions to lose weight is high. recently divulged the top six New Year’s resolutions across the country. After breaking the data down by state, they found that the top pick for the Lone Star State was to exercise more. Such was the case for some of these next examples we found. They stuck to their goals and their weight loss transformations were astounding.

Texas Weight Loss Transformations That Will Blow Your Mind

Photo: Facebook/Camp San Antonio

In June of 2019, reported on Nicole Jackson. The 43-year-old had spent the last two years working on her health and fitness goals, losing 91 pounds in the process. She started her vision and mission in 2017 at a “transformation center” called The Camp. She traveled a lot for her job, which meant that to keep on track with her weight loss, she would need to accommodate for her hectic schedule. Company marketing trips to Cuba and Maui were her motivation. “Looking back at pictures, I realized I only had one or two of me in it,” she explained to “I went to all these beautiful places and I don’t have anything to show for it because I was so unhappy with how I looked.” When she started her weight loss transformation, she weighed approximately 256 pounds. Her ideal weight was 180 pounds. With the help of The Camp, she reached a weight of 165 pounds after seven months.

Texas Weight Loss Transformations That Will Blow Your Mind

Photo: Instagram/abrahiem

Abrahiem Sarwar shared the news of his weight loss transformation on his Instagram account. Saying “I didn’t come this far to only come this far,” his post garnered a lot of attention, especially with its back story. In 2017, HuffPost reported that Sarwar, then a full-time student living in the Texas Hill Country, was dumped by his girlfriend. Part of the reason she left him in 2015 was his weight. At his largest, Sarwar was at 380 pounds. At the time of their story, he was down to 205 pounds. “I knew I had to get myself together, not for her but for myself,” he told Huffington Post. “It was really depressing to me where I was in my life.” Sarwar’s steps included returning to the gym with his own personal motivation, watching YouTube fitness videos by Christian Guzman on proper form and technique, cutting back on fast food, and cooking recipes that bodybuilders made. The results were astounding.

Texas Weight Loss Transformations That Will Blow Your Mind

Photo: Facebook/Vance Wade Hinds

In January of this year, Vance Hinds of Waxahachie weighed approximately 278 pounds. You might not think much of that number until you recognize that this North Texas man lost nearly 200 pounds in 14 months to achieve that number. His weight loss transformation is inspiring, to say the least. Men’s Health covered his story to show just how doable it is. DDP Yoga, an exercise and nutrition program to which Hinds attributes his goal attainment, shared a video of Hinds’ weight loss transformation on their YouTube channel (link available here). Their post comment said, “Just one year ago, Vance Hinds was inspired by comedian Bert Kreischer’s sober October challenge enough to decide to make a change, and to say ‘yes’ to anything. The results after just one year are mind blowing and proof that anything truly is possible when you set your mind to it.” The motivation that Hinds found was through comedian Bert Kreisher, who announced on “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast that with only 2.5 weeks of training, he would run a 5K.