Local News

Cute Tiny Baby Horny Toads Born at the Dallas Zoo

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Tony Maples Photography


The Houston Zoo has seen a big baby boom this summer, but the Dallas Zoo might have the most unlikely cute group of babies yet. A mama horned toad AKA horny toad AKA horned lizard has given birth to six babies. And, who knew that these lizard younglings could be so adorable?

KXAN says that each of the tiny creatures weigh less than a dime, which is hard to imagine! Seeing them balanced on human fingertips gives a good perspective on how small they truly are. If you were to flip them over you’d see a special print on their bellies. Each is different, just like a fingerprint. The Dallas Zoo is excited to welcome so many baby horned toads since the species is threatened.

“We’re sure many of you remember growing up with Texas horned lizards (a.k.a. horny toads) in your backyards. But now, they’re sadly disappearing throughout the state — and have already vanished in East and Central Texas” The Dallas Zoo wrote on their Facebook page. They say they’re working hard to keep this Texas icon that’s right up there with cowboy hats, saying “howdy,” and armadillos, alive and well through their breeding program which is in its seventh season.