Local News

Man Records Massive Alligator Encounter in Pearland Neighborhood

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Tony Maples Photography


On Saturday, April 14, Bradley Durrett came across something, unlike anything he’d ever seen before, even though he almost didn’t see it altogether! Durrett told local media outlets it was the largest alligator he’d ever seen in his Pearland, Texas neighborhood.

While driving late Saturday night, along Country Club Drive, in the Green Tee Terrace area of Pearland, Durrett spotted a huge alligator in his peripheral vision. “I looked in my rearview and saw his head and half his body sticking out in the street,” he explained. Wanting to get a closer look, he backed his truck up and shone his high beams on the reptile.

Man Records Massive Alligator Encounter in Pearland Neighborhood

Photo: Facebook/Tracie Caliva Durrett

As he got closer to the gator, Durrett was in awe at just how enormous the creature was. “It’s the biggest alligator I’ve seen in my neighborhood. This was huge, I’ve never seen something like this,” he said. Identifying that the alligator was approximately as long as his Chevy 1500 long-box pickup truck, he wasn’t able to even begin an estimate as to how much the alligator weighed. He explained that during the encounter, they stared at each other for roughly 20 minutes prior to the reptile turning towards a local creek. That was when he pulled out his phone and began recording its departure. His nine-second video of the alligator (available at the link provided here) shows it walking slowly, practically undisturbed by Durrett’s presence. “It definitely wasn’t scared of me. I almost hit it and it didn’t move,” he explained. If you were that size, we’re guessing you wouldn’t have thought twice about the encounter either!