
Matthew McConaughey & Wife Take Masks to Rural Texas Hospitals

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Tony Maples Photography


During the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, many parts of Texas have been adversely affected. However, there are places and people that have stood out in the midst of the daily updates on our public health and safety. One such shining example is that of mask donations by award-winning actor Matthew McConaughey and his wife Camila Alves.

On April 15, 2020, we reported that the Texas Hill Country couple were partnered with BStrong (a disaster relief program) to work towards ensuring that first responders and frontline workers in America received the necessary masks and supplies they required in order to safely do their jobs in the midst of the pandemic. Most recently, however, they have gone to additional lengths in order to meet that same goal, partnering with Lincoln (the automotive company) and delivering masks to rural Texas hospitals.

Photo: Instagram/Matthew McConaughey

Sharing the good news on his official Facebook page on May 21, 2020, Matthew McConaughey tagged his wife Camila in a photo of the couple taking to Texas highways to make their deliveries. They donned protective face coverage themselves for the image, and shared the official Lincoln Facebook page in the post, in recognition of the donation of 110K masks.

In addition to their kindness and compassion where supply donation and distribution is concerned, during the month of March, McConaughey twice took to social media sharing videos expressing encouragement and inspirational messages. Similarly, the family has contributed to and completed local mask distribution in the Texas Hill Country and worked to ensure the necessary supplies got into the proper hands. The concept of community and social compassion was never lost on him with the gain of fame, but rather appears to have grown. And he and his wife teach that to their family by example, which is oftentimes one of the best means in which to do so.