
One-Pot Recipes Saving You Time and Energy in the Kitchen

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Tony Maples Photography


With all of the time we spend getting kids or grandkids off to school, getting ready for work or heading out to do chores, and then getting home before our nighttime routine begins, we need some good food fast. We also need the clean-up to be a little less complicated. The less time we have to stand over a sink full of dishes, the better! That’s why Tasty has come up with a popular video called “31 One-Pot Recipes.”

Taking the internet by storm, the video, shared on the Tasty YouTube channel, has been viewed more than 2 million times since being published in September 2018. And, since the entire clip (really, a half-hour of your time) is comprised of the completion of each of the 31 one-pot recipes, a reader tip on their YouTube post stated that for individual recipes, “…search for ‘tasty + recipe name’ in the search box. Each of these recipes appears to have been a separate video.” This isn’t something strange made with raisins, leftover artichoke hearts, and the last piece of vegan pizza either. It’s the stick-to-your-ribs type of meals that Texas families know and love, that won’t disappoint!

Covering delicious pasta bowls to rice dishes, and more, Tasty produced a video that commenters couldn’t turn their eyes away from! Viewers revealed exactly why they tuned in: “…I honestly love one pot recipes… because it makes cooking and cleaning so much faster and easier! There are a few recipes here that I haven’t tried and I look forward to doing it! Nice job…” Ultimately, we love great food, but even more than that, we love an easy clean-up job! If we’re busy holding down the fort, we don’t want to have to hold what little “me” time we have until we’re done with the entire counter’s worth of dishes it took to satisfy our family with a meal that maybe took 20 minutes to eat. These 31 one-pot recipes are delicious time-savers that will satisfy some of our pickiest eaters and ensure we don’t feel the guilt of popping yet another frozen dinner in the microwave or grabbing fast-food for the third time this week. Enjoy your family meal time. Delight in the fact that they’re well-fed, by you. And delight even further in the knowledge there isn’t a pile of pots and pans to soak, scrub, rinse, and repeat.