Texas Hill Country News
THC Staff | March 10, 2017
Pair of Twins Graduate First and Second in Their High School Class
The Rizzo twins will graduate as valedictorian and salutatorian.
THC Staff | March 10, 2017
Starbucks to Release Bright New Cup Colors to Welcome Spring
These cup colors will only be available for a very limited time.
Spring Sault | March 10, 2017
Celebrating 150 Years of the Chisholm Trail in Cleburne, Texas: 2 Exhibitions in 1 Hearty Town
Cleburne, Texas is very proud of its Chisholm Trail affiliation, and the proof is in both its amazing...
THC Staff | April 22, 2016
The Weather Channel’s Summer Prediction for Texas is Welcome News
The Weather Channel recently released their summer outlook for 2016, and their estimates for Texas are like sweet...