
Squirrel Reportedly Tugs on Woman’s Pants to Get Help

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Tony Maples Photography


The Pulaski Police Department in Virginia recently shared details of a woman who rescued a squirrel and its injured offspring from a cat lurking nearby. According to the department, Tia Powell contacted the police after the squirrel attempted to get her to follow it. We’ve heard a lot of stories here in Texas about smart animals, but not one so open to interacting with humans for help.

The department shared the details of the call and Powell’s assistance based on this unique interaction, calling her “the squirrel whisperer.” They stated that the squirrel appeared adamant that Powell follow it after it approached her while she walked the trails at their local Kiwanis Park. She did, in fact, do so, following the squirrel to find its injured baby on the ground. She was unsure she could assist, and so she began to walk away, but the mother squirrel went after her, tugging on her pant leg to come back.

Squirrel Reportedly Tugs on Woman’s Pants to Get Help

Photo: Pixabay

At that point, the police say that Powell witnessed a cat lurking nearby and that’s when she realized these creatures were in danger, and that the mother squirrel was attempting to get help. According to details, Powell scared the cat away before she phoned the police as well as a friend (Jasmine Brown) in order to determine the next best step.

Squirrel Reportedly Tugs on Woman’s Pants to Get Help

Photo: Pixabay

It’s been reported by media that the Pulaski Police Department posted to their social media that upon the arrival of their officers, both squirrels were waiting patiently on the ground with Powell, and that the two ladies had successfully arranged for both of them to get safely back in their tree. They also noted that had Powell not truly felt that she was understanding the mother squirrel correctly in its request for help, the outcome could have been completely different. A video share that accompanied the original post has been viewed by more than 133K site users. It shows an interaction between the squirrels and Powell as they returned to their tree. The video can be viewed at the link provided here.